Friday, July 17, 2009

How To Use Netapp SnapMirror

I. To Create a Snapmirror Relationship:

Create source and destination volumes of the same size that have a same-sized aggregate. (This is critical for being able to change the direction of the sync.)

Go into FilerView > Volumes on the DESTINATION and mark the volume OFFLINE.

Go into FilerView > SnapMirror > Add on the DESTINATION and proceed through accepting all the defaults except, obviously, the volume names.

On the SnapMirror > Manage screen, click the Advanced properties of the new job. Inside the job, click "Initialize". It will clean the target volume and begin the first sync. The sync will begin automatically on schedule which, if you used the defaults, is every minute.

II. To mark a Snapmirror RW:

End the SnapMirror relationship with the

snapmirror break

command. This command changes the destination's status from




thus making it writable.

When you're ready to resync them, run the

snapmirror resync

command on the DESTINATION. This will change a former destination's status back to snapmirrored and will resynchronize its contents with the source.

(NOTE: When applied to a former source, snapmirror resync can turn it into a mirror of the former destination. In this way, the roles of source and destination can be reversed.)

At any time, you can see the status of all the snapmirrors by running the

snapmirror list


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